Thursday, November 1, 2012

Christmas Gift for the Girls

I have to share these with you:  custom made matching dresses for my daughter and her new sister! Thank you, Jesus, for talented friends who enjoy sharing their beautiful products! I think this is going to be my favorite gift to give the kids this Christmas. 
My friend, Chance made these for the girls:
Here Etsy Shop is:

Thank you, Chance! Now I might have to get them some sweet red shoes and cardigans to match.


Allison said...

so adorable! Makes me wish for granddaughters one day! (At first, I thought they were dolls' clothes!)

Jamie Jo said...

Oh, those are so cute--just adorable!! Even better was reading "the girls"!!

Katie Rose said...

oh Sarah, they are so wonderful! i want a girl baby sooo bad. lucky!

Ginny said...

okay, yes. those are extremely cute!!! I could teach you to knit the red cardigans...