Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Baptism photos- professional edition.

We got Jude's pictures in the mail today from our very talented friend, Mike Blaha.  If you live in the MSP area, you might want to look him up.  It's kind of sad that Jude didn't smile all afternoon, but it did add a certain comical element to the pictures.

How can you not laugh at this:
He's so gangster in this photo.  The funny thing is, it's not even our dog.
Here he's wining terribly here, but at the photo has some character, right?
All 19 of us. My mom, dad, and all their children and grandchildren.
Our little family


noreen said...

Hi Sarah, your family pictures are beautiful! Jude is so sweet with his expressions. Your extended family picture and immediate family pictures will be keepsakes forever! God Bless.

Allison said...

Lovely, Sarah!
You look different in every photo I have seen of you..

Before I saw this post, ours was the only family I knew who had a professional photographer for the baptism. We did it for both our sons' days and it freed us up to focus on the day instead of on shooting pics.

jenomom said...

Absolutely Beautiful!!!