Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

Yesterday was one of the best Easters I can remember.  Every night before Easter, we decorate the house and get Easter baskets together so the children wake up to a surprise in the morning.  I made two banners last year and this year, we added some Easter Icons and more religious art. 

On Easter, we to relax and enjoy each others company the way Easter is meant to be: teaching our children about the importance of the Resurrection, living the Resurrection by going to Mass, and carrying out the joy of the resurrection in our enjoyment of the gifts God has given.  

This week, we plan to do extend our Easter celebration with plenty of Easter crafts and Easter stories. 

Happy Easter to you and your families!


Katie said...

Happy Easter!!

Alice Emerald said...

Your little girls look lovely in those matching dresses!

Allison said...

I want to know how you made those banners, Sarah!

Lena said...

Beautiful! Prayers for a happy & blessed Easter!

Sarah Harkins said...

I printed off Easter Sheet music onto construction paper. The back also has a printed image of a vintage bunny. I cut the paper to look like flags, punched holes and put these easter eggs on
and wrote Happy Easter on them! Strung it up with twine.

Katie Rose said...

you are so good, the hanging sign is fabulous! i love that first pic of the girls, those dresses are really cute. so glad to see that you had a joy filled Easter!

Jamie Jo said...

Wait--there's one missing!!

LOVE those dresses!! Did you sew those Sarah? They are just darling!

Happy Easter!

noreen said...

Beautiful girls in pretty dresses. I was wondering the same thing. Did you sew those dresses? So sweet and colorful. Your banner is cute too. You are one creative momma!

Just One Handful said...

Happy Easter!

Sarah Harkins said...

The dresses were made by my friend, Chance.

Colleen said...

Happy Easter - I love how you decorate the house, make it much more special for the kids!!

Meadow said...

Those Easter dresses are so sweet!