
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Project Detox: On Hold for The Holiday

Grandma's in town!! I guess this candy/sugar/carb/junkfood thing will go out the window while Grandma's here. You can see why...

Gifts from Grandma

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


  1. OH, yay!!! Give your mama a big hug for me and have do the same to you!!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    (tell her also, I do still plan on making her a thank you note!)

  2. That happens around here too! I just read all your detox posts . . .hope it is going well! My oldest two are GREAT eaters, but my youngest is not. I have, unfortunately catered to him. He stopped eating most foods a year ago and I struggle to get him to eat most foods. Most nights, he goes to bed hungry because he refuses to eat dinner. He is a good weight, etc, so our Dr said just do not give him other choices (which I do not, anymore).

    My other two love fruits and veggies and I have tons in the house. I keep a container of fresh cut veggies on hand and at snack time, I put it out. I have also stopped buying crackers . . . there are none in the house anymore . . . so that cannot even ask for them.

    I would love to go gluten free and I have made a week's worth of meals gluten free here and there to prep the family.

    Praying for you Sarah!

  3. HAHAHAH!! That made me laugh so hard! I've enjoyed readin the Detox posts because we need to do the same, so I was anxious to see what you said and as soon as I saw your mom I said "uhoh!" too funny. I'd put it on hold too!

  4. Wow Liam and his grandma look so much alike from the side profile!
    Happy Thanksgiving!!!
    Love, Julie M


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