
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Lot of Saints

It seems like almost everyone I know is going through a rough spot in their lives- and as one friends said today- "there's a lot of need".  The homeschooling group I belong to and the mom's group from Church is very good about getting out meals to those who just had a baby, are going through some kind of physical disability, or other extreme circumstance.  Making one meal, though, just doesn't seem like enough for these families who are going through hard times. I want to be there for them in a more substantial way to ease their burdens.  But how can I- when I am already worn thin, barely able to put together an extra meal, help out another who is in even more need?

Today, on all Saints Day, I am reminded of how God, in his infinite wisdom, already thought of this.   There's a cheering squad in heaven willing and ready to help each of us, no matter how desperate the case.   It gives me hope to think of the multitudes up there sending their speedy help in the form of prayers.  They are my special friends who know what I'm going through and are encouraging me in ways more powerful than I will ever know.  I may be in the shadow of the valley, but my friends next to God are cheering for me to continue on.

Today I am reminded I am not alone and neither are my friends in need.


  1. Great post Sarah! So true!

  2. awww, beautiful Sarah! lately I have been getting super excited about getting to heaven. life can be rough sometimes for sure.

  3. Thank you for your wonderful meal. It made a huge difference in our lives.
    Knowing that I have a dear friend, superb!


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