
Friday, November 18, 2011

Customer Support and Inspiration

As you know, putting aside my artistic pursuits and business opportunities hasn't been easy these past 6 months.  However, the support and encourage I have received from people who express interest in my work is unbelievable.  Whether they are past or future customers, people have come forth and shared their words of wisdom and given some much needed pats on the back.

One such person recently shared her story of putting aside her work for the good of her family. Here's the encouraging and inspirational email I received from her:

Hi Sarah,
I understand how hard it is to do everything. Art requires so much focus and uninterrupted time. I chose to put my art aside while I homeschooled my six children.I knew for me that when I was involved in an art job, I did not like to be interrupted, including having to stop to make dinner! So I set it aside because I didn't want my kids to feel like they were an interruption. Now I have only a 15 year old at home and even with just one I have to be careful not to get too absorbed in my work. It was a sacrifice because it was the one thing I excelled at and being a mother and teacher at home was not something that came naturally.
In the end, I knew that my children were more important than anything I could create with my hands and I was shaping and molding them into something beautiful for God with eternal value.  ---Jill
 Jill's story speaks to me about how sacrifice is undeniably related to motherhood.  Sometimes I try to hide this component with the rest of the world for the sake of the showing the joy and blessing of children, but I think it's also good for the world to see that in sacrifice, there also is joy.  A lasting peace and joy that the world cannot give.  Thank you Jill for sharing your story with me!


  1. So glad you have support and hope you are not feeling guilty!

    I'm pretty sure you'll be at it again when you kiddos are bigger and can actually help with it!! How fun that will be!

    It's hard to all of a sudden be "just a mom" it's how the world treats us. I remember after quitting daycare, people no longer asked any questions. I did the same things I did with my daycare children, only with my own children, but no one was interested anymore. It's a transition, a way for God to humble us, mothers I think. We are like Caterpillars in a 20 year cocoon...we are forming our children, but He is forming us.

    That got way too long...


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