
Sunday, August 28, 2011

My "Go To" Lunch and a Story of My Shallowness

Thanks be to God, we are all ok and with power today! The storm wasn't too bad and I am so grateful.

When lunch rolls around, who feels like cooking? Not me. I usually will have a sandwich or leftovers, but if these are not sounding appealing, my all time favorite quick, healthy, easy and cheap lunch is a grilled tortilla with avocado and black beans.  An added bonus of this meal, I recently discovered, is that it's also an easy, healthy, quick and yummy meal for babies- minus the tortilla.

Here's how I roll:
 Drain black beans, heat 'em.
 Grill tortillas like this.  Makes them taste fresh!
Slice up an avo and sprinkle with salt.

Put the avo and black beans in a warmed tortilla and enjoy!  For the baby, I skip the salt on the avo, and mash the warmed black beans with a fork. He loves this meal almost as much as me.

I fell in love with this excellent food combo when I was in Guatemala the first time.  We had this a lot down there. One day we walked up a farmer's hill/mountain to his field. I think his name was Don Filaberto.  Under an avocado tree, his daughters patted out some homemade corn tortillas and grilled them right in front of us.  They took a few ripe avocados from the tree, mashed and salted them.  Then they heated up some black beans they had brought. It was unbelievably good! As we ate this typical Guatemalan food, we heard Don Filaberto's story told through a translator. I know it was a very moving and important story about this poor farmer, but I'm really sorry I don't remember anything but the food!! I'd like to excuse myself from this embarrassing shallowness by saying I was only 17 and it was a long time ago, but really-- it was the homemade tortillas that will take over my brain anytime.  Maybe my dad can fill in the blanks since my mind was lost in homemade tortillas...

What's your 'go to' lunch?


  1. Haha good food I remember the most too! I think it was something about the guerillas and him trying to keep his family safe during the war times.

  2. Your tortilla sandwich looks so yummy!

  3. I'm so glad you were spared from Hurricane Irene. The east coast took a real beating! My prayers are with them!

  4. OH my! That is my family's go to meal period! Not just for lunch! My husband is half Guatemalan and half Swedish (weird huh?!) And we were missionaries in Guatemala for about 12 years. I love the simple food from there! We are living in Tennessee now but I still make home cooked Guatemalan food at least 4 or 5 times a week! All of my kids had black beans and avocados as their first foods... no Gerber babies for us! They were weaned on the good stuff!

    (P.S. popped over from Ginny's blog this morning! Nice to "meet" you!)


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