
Friday, July 15, 2011

Monstrance Bead and Jewish Roots of the Eucharist

My monstrance bead is finally done and now I can send out those orders I have been holding on to for Eucharistic rosaries! 

While I was making this bead, I popped in a Lighthouse CD and it was coincidentally, on the Eucharist.  I learned a lot about the Jewish roots of the Eucharist from listening to this CD (three times in a row!).   One interesting fact: at the passover meal, their was no lamb present! If you have ever participated in a Seder meal, you would find this very odd since the lamb is one of the most important parts about the passover meal for the Jews.  I wonder why I have never noticed this before.  The reason for this was that Jesus is the new lamb- sacrificed for us all, and the new sacrificial food is his body and blood in the form of bread and wine.  I bet the twelve apostles were like, "hey, where's the lamb?? Why the bread and wine??" Although, maybe they were used to all of Jesus' radical changes by then.  Knowing the Jewish roots to Christianity is so important to understanding the Faith since Jesus says he did not come to abolish the law (Jewish), but to fulfill it.  If we only know one side of the story (the Christian/Catholic side), we are missing a lot of the "reasons why".

That was just one tiny part of that CD, so if you want to know more, you can get the CD here.  One last thing...Have you ever wondering why Jesus says in the Our Father: Give us this day our daily bread? He says day twice--which is unnecessary. Jesus wouldn't make such a grammatical error on purpose.  It's because of the Greek translation for the word "daily".  Literally, it is translated "super substantial" but we don't have a word in English for it.  Give us the day, our super substantial bread doesn't mean whole wheat vs. white.  I means give us super natural bread!  Try that on for size, my protestant brothers and sisters (in all love and respect). 


  1. Hi Sarah, I've never thought or knew the translation of the word "daily" in the Our Father prayer. Very deep... why don't we hear about that at mass?

    I do so enjoy the Lighthouse CDs and learn much from them. I tend to have to listen to them repeatedly since it's information overload at times! I tend to do so when I'm doing laundry and cleaning house.

  2. Hi Sarah!

    I agree that knowing the Jewish roots to Christianity is very important. After I married my Jewish husband, I learned so much about the history of my faith. I'm a much better Catholic because of what I've learned through my husband, and I really love celebrating the Jewish holidays with him. There's something very special about knowing that Mary, Jesus, and Joseph celebrated those same holidays, too!

    I might have to check out that CD!


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