
Monday, May 16, 2011

Three Sacraments in 11 Days. Shop Not Up Yet

Jude is six months old now. He looks so old in this picture.

We're back from a totally fun and relaxing and much needed trip to Minnesota to visit my family and celebrate three sacraments in 11 days!  That's the good news.  The bad news is that my monstrance bead did not turn out,  and my shop will not be up and running until next week.  This week I will be working on making beads, to hopefully get things up and running sometime next week. 

Here's the Sacrament marathon in order:
My sister, Christina's, confirmation.  I am her lucky confirmation sponsor.  What an honor!
My sister being confirmed. I was her sponsor- what an honor!

Jude's Baptism with my brother Tom and my sister in law, Jo Ann as Godparents.  My dad, the deacon performed the rite, and all of my family was in attendance.  If you're wondering why Jude is being baptized without a shirt and no white garment, it's actually symbolic.  It wasn't supposed to happen this way.  For some reason, the traditional white garment bib thingy that you get at baptisms, couldn't be found anywhere, so instead of dressing him before the baptism, we dressed him after he was baptized in place of the white bib.  According to my dad, it's the way Baptism used to be done and it's more symbolic anyway because it's after baptism that the soul is made pure, hence the white garments. 
Jude being baptized without his white garments (see explanation above)
Yeah! Clean soul- free from stain of sin and white garments go on with help of Godparents
Yet another symbol- the MOVING.  We all moved from the back of church, where the baptismal font is, to the front of Church to symbolize the moving away from original sin/former life to new life in Christ!

My Goddaughter, Grace, had her First Holy Communion on Sunday.  How beautiful! I was so glad to be able to attend.
Grace, on her First Holy Communion


  1. this is the best kind of marathon! i just ran a half marathon. 3 sacraments in 2 days.

  2. Great pictures, sis. But I want credit for the first picture!

    Great to see the fam again, we are missing you already!

    Love ya,

  3. Hi Sarah, welcome back from your busy sacramental vacation! Your pictures are lovely! And I must say that Jude looks adorable! God Bless.

  4. Oh, I kept meaning to come back and leave a comment and never did!!

    I love the meaning of the white afterward. Very neat.

    No pictures of your mama?
    Your dad looks great and how blessed you are!!

    Congratulations to your sweet Jude, he's adorable, God bless him!!


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