
Friday, February 18, 2011

Plan B- Caramel Sauce

For Christmas gifts this year, I made caramels, which I thought were a pretty modest gift.  They went over so well that I thought I'd make them again for St. Valentine's Day.  I used this recipe. It was so easy and quick. So much easier and quicker than making sugar cookies and decorating them, that I wonder why more people don't make caramels.  The thing that took the most time was wrapping them all. That was pretty much a pain in the butt, but it was worth it in the end.

Back to my Valentine's Caramel's.  I was planning on sending them to family and friends, but here's what happened. I put all the ingredients into the pot, boiled it for about 30 minutes until it reached 250 degrees- all the while doing a million other mommy things. I take the pot off the stove, then look over to see the cans above not empty.  I completely forgot to put in the evaporated milk!  In my haste, I opened the cans and emptied both of them in. Then I realized I was supposed to put in 2 CUPS of evaporated milk, not two cans (I doubled the recipe).  Whoops. On to plan B. This stuff was never going to harden, so I decided to make a caramel sauce.  This nice arrangement of nuts below were going to be some amazing caramel turtles and caramel cashews. oh well...

Instead it made some decent caramel ice cream topping. YUM!


  1. oh yum!!! I don't care what form the stuff takes... Just YUM!!!

  2. I poured some on our baked apples today that I made for dessert....tasted just like apple pie! Thank you!


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