
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Boycott Home Depot

Just in case you weren't aware of what Home Depot has become, here's some info. We have been boycotting Home Depot since we first became aware, earlier this summer, of how they enjoy scandalizing children with their lewd gay pride parades and how they have taken the motto "Homo Depot" to heart. Thankfully we have two other hardware stores- Lowes and True Value close by that we can go to instead of Home Depot.  Just to clarify-- my position on this is the same as the Catholic Churchs' - we love the sinner, but hate the sin. The sin being the homosexual behavior.  Having gay tendencies is not a sin- acting out in them is a sin.  Just like having selfish tendencies is not a sin; acting out in selfishness, is a sin.  Allowing our children to become numb to homosexual behaviors is just as bad in my book.  I believe in preserving children's innocence.  Allowing children to see such distorted behavior teaches them that this is ok- whether or not we say so or not.  Boycotting Home Depot may seem like an insignificant act, but any little thing we can do helps.   
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The Home Depot: See it in their own words

September 27, 2010

The Home Depot's own website shows it embraces the spread of homosexuality, including gay marriage.
On its website, The Home Depot states it "is honored to say we support the following diversity-oriented organizations:" It goes on to list at least three groups which radically support the homosexual marriage agenda in America - The Human Rights Campaign, Out and Equal Workplace Advocates and Diversity Best Practices.
That's not all!
The Home Depot sanctions its very own homosexual employee group, which receives financial backing by the company, The Home Depot Pride (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender) employee group. The Home Depot marches in numerous gay pride parades and sets up Kids Workshops at gay pride festival events each year (more photos and list of events are available at
And there is more...
The Home Depot responded to an annual survey by the Human Rights Campaign. Here's what the company offers:
- Full health insurance benefits to homosexual employees and "partners." The Home Depot recognizes two homosexual men who sleep together as "married."
- Insurance for complete sex-change operations.
- Requires some employees to attend diversity (homosexual acceptance) training.

1. If you have not done so, sign the Boycott Pledge at
2. Call your local store manager.
Let the manager know that you will not be shopping at The Home Depot until the company stops supporting the homosexual agenda. You can find the number here. (click "Store Finder").
3. Print the paper petition and distribute it at Sunday School and church.

Take Action NowSign the Boycott Pledge Now!

It is very important that you forward this alert to your friends and family members.



Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association
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  1. Thanks for writing this. I did not know this. I think I will share it with our priest. He is always talking about stuff like this that is happening around the country and our world. The sad reality is God is being taken out of lives more and more, but he will not be taken out of our lives no matter what anyone says. And I am sure you agree with that for youself and your family. God Bless! I love all your work. I will keep you in mind when I need to buy a gift for Catholic events.

  2. Lorie,
    Thank you for comment! It is important to know these things so we can be as shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. God Bless You!

  3. Karen SimonOctober 16, 2010

    Sorry, but one of the greatest lessons Jesus taught was tolerance, He ate in the homes of those rejected by society. It disappoints me that you are so quick to judge and justify yourself by the lame, "I love the sinner, but hate the sin.
    God created all including those whose sexual preferences we do not share. Take the board of pride and intolerance in your own heart before taking the splinter out of your brother's.


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