
Friday, July 30, 2010

Working on My New Website

I have been working around the clock on my new website and new products to put in my website, so please be patient as I finish up. The website is the biggest time sucker! I can work all day on it and when the day is over, I'm wondering what I got done. It doesn't help that my computer is working at the speed of an injured turtle.  The phone calls to Verizon and the Verizon technician who came out this morning were not helpful either.
Anyway, I am determined to finish this website asap. I've been wanting a new website for over a year and nothing's going to stop me now. It's looking good so far!

I also wanted to share a talented photographer that I met the other day who is also in my homeschooling co-op (yes, I am joining the ranks of weird, unsocialized homeschooling moms and their kids.  I'm totally kidding- we're so cool, I can't even stand it)  Anyway, here is a link to Lori Elizabeth's awesome blog and a picture of my daughter.  I am so impressed that she even got a good picture because Analee was so tired and crabby that day. Plus, she had broccoli in her mouth and a big scar on her forehead.  Lori works wonders!


  1. That's a gorgeous picture. On a side note, I'm hoping to turn my family into a weird anti-social homeschooling family next year. While we run around in our matching prairie dresses we'll laugh about how we're not tied down by the public school system (Totally kidding about the prairie dresses. We're going to dress like we're "normal" members of society so we're not easily spotted.)

  2. LOL This post made me laugh :-)


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