
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What's Up Wednesday

It's been almost three months since I did one of these and I've been itching to do another one lately, so this Wednesday, what's up with...

Clay Rosaries: I'm nearing the end of my busy season and I have to thank all my wonderful and generous customers for giving me the best, busiest season I've ever had.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Me: thankful for a great vacay in FL with Eric's family and happy to be home again.  We are still catching up on things that needed to be done since being gone- like cleaning out the rain gutters that have sprouted maple trees and taking care of the boxelder bug infestation that took over our yard in our absence (yuck!) and catching up on rosary orders.

Kids: Liam had so much crazy fun with his cousins in Disney world, but we didn't realize what a homebody he was until after the third day and everyday thereafter, he asked when we were going to our "new home in Virginia".  He really did miss being home!
Analee: In disbelief, I witness Analee play "dress up" for the first time this morning. I was taking out some summer clothes from a box in the attic. She took out a pair of my leggings and put them around her neck and put a dress on her head.  Not exactly a fashionista yet, but she'll get there. Being a girly girl is hard wired in this 15 month old, that's for sure!

Hubby: Is soooo happy we are having friends over tomorrow night for dinner, he sounds like our three year old when he's going to a play date!  He hasn't hung out with friends in a very long time (way too long!).  Not having weekends off really plays its toll on friendships, so we are thankful our friends are coming down to see on a weekday to see us :D

What's for dinner: Pizza. For the first time since Disney, I'm not cooking.  Eleven days of eating out (mostly junk food) I was ready to come home and start cooking healthy (and cheap!) meals again. Eating out every day was a fun break, but I really like to cook and I missed it, plus no more $12 hamburgers and $5.00 soft drinks! But tonight I think I'm ready for a pizza :)

What's on my mind: Thankful I have God in my life to give EVERYTHING in my life meaning and purpose.  Nothing can shake the peace that God gives.  Even when bad things happen, I know that there's a reason and that good can come out of it.  He brings joy out of the ordinariness of life and even out of sorrow.  "Happy the people who acclaim such a king, who walk, O Lord, in the light of your face, who find their joy every day in your name, who make your justice the source of your bliss," (Psalm 89).  Nothing compares to the joy that loving and being loved by God brings!

Something that made me smile: Getting an email from Sarah Reinhard! Mark Shea mentioned a give away she had on her blog for three of his books, so I entered. She wrote me back a personal email and said she loved my work and was wondering if I'd donate a rosary to a fundraiser for! Heck yeah! I was honored to be asked. She rocks. and I guess that makes me kind of a big deal. hahaha! just kidding. But seriously, she is kind of a big deal! 

Good link? I have to share this Youtube video that my friend also posted on her blog. It's a hilarious spoof on rap music for parents who own minivans.


  1. Sounds like you guys are busy! Glad you liked the swagger wagon video :-) Thanks for the update on what you guys are up to.

  2. That video is too cute. I love the little girl dancing :)


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