
Friday, May 28, 2010

Big News for the Clay Rosary Girl

As some of you already know, I am expecting my third child in November! That makes me about four months pregnant.  Next month, I will be going in for a sonogram, and hopefully they will be able to tell us if we will be having a boy or a girl. I'm not one for waiting more than 20 weeks to find out that out! We already have some names picked out, so I'll let you know what what we have decided when we find out if it is a boy or girl.  The due date is November 7.  Please keep the new baby in your prayers!


  1. AnonymousMay 28, 2010

    Congratulations to you Sarah and Eric!!! It will be nice to see if you are having a boy or girl for your third child. I hope you are feeling well. We are on the waitlist as of February 26, 2010 to adopt our third child, a girl from Taiwan. It probably will take 2-3 years for this to happen.

    Kathleen Hawk

  2. How exciting :) Congratulations!

  3. Congratulations Eric, Sarah, Analee and Liam!

  4. Congrats!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!

  5. Karen SimonMay 28, 2010

    I'm so excited for you!!!!

  6. Awesome. And congratulations surviving that first trimester.

  7. Congrats! Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or a girl. So exciting! It's always my favorite part :-)

  8. Oh, Sarah!!!! Congratultions!!!

    You and baby will be in my prayers!
    God bless!

  9. congrats again Sarah! see you soon!

  10. Thank you everyone! Your support means so much!

    @Kathleen- best wishes to you as you await the adoption of a girl! I hope it goes speedily! God Bless your family!

  11. AnonymousJune 02, 2010

    Congrats, that is very exciting!

    Melissa H.


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