
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Presentation of Our Lord

Today is the feast of the Presentation of Our Lord and I meant to write an original post, but upon seeing this video posted on the Apostolate of Hannah's Tears, I knew what I needed to do. Steal this idea. If the link below doesn't work (it's not working for me right now) click through to the Apostolate of Hannah's Tears blog to see it and then come back here to write your thoughts :)

Michael Card singing "Now that I've held Him in my arms"

The music video is copyrighted so you have to follow the link to You Tube. It's worth it. I was moved to tears this morning while my kids were squirming and crawling all over me. It brought a whole new meaning to what the Presentation of Our Lord is all about. I always struggle with this mystery of the rosary, so this music video helps me to see more meaning behind the Presentation. I understand more how Jesus fulfills the "law". (as he has been saying the last two Sunday Gospels). He didn't have to be circumcised in temple as all the Jewish boys did. Mary and Joseph knew that, but they brought him there anyway. I still don't understand it completely, but at least now, I see the connection. What are your thoughts on this mystery? What do you meditate on when you pray the fourth Joyful Mystery? I'd love to hear your thoughts.


  1. Sarah, your faithfullness shows through in your rosary blog. here is where your heart lies. you have always amazed us with a true love for our Blessed Mother. here in this blog everyday i get to witness it again. Our blessed Mother has in turn graced you with customers to walk with you in your journey. the song by Micheal Card shows us of God's great Love for us, that He comes to meet us right where we are. by going to the temple, he met the crowd and touched them, answering Simion and Anna's prayers. No our God does not need to subject himself to our way. but God wants to because he loves us right where we are.
    love mom

  2. Sarah: I have always loved this mystery of the Rosary: Here are my thoughts and meditations around this: Simeon knew that, despite his advanced elderly age, he needed to "see the Messiah" prior to his death. Simeon longed for the the Messiah -- incarnate!! And he got his opportunity when Jesus was presented into his arms at the Temple! To me the image of an elderly man anxiously awaiting the arrival of that baby speaks to the whole cycle of "from conception to natural death" of which our Church embraces as a central teaching. Secondly, I love this mystery because we used this very reading at a church service in the hospital chapel about 17 years ago. Here's the story: I delivered a baby to a young college student who decided to give her little newborn up for adoption. The student literally had had no prenatal care and arrived at Labor and Delivery fully dilated. After delivery she asked me if I knew of someone who wanted the baby. Yes. I knew someone. A few days later, using the Presentation in the Temple as a backdrop reading, the young college student stood before the cross in the hospital chapel and handed over her newborn to an older/infertile couple in adoption. It was a powerful moment, an experience I shall never forget. Recently, I received news from this couple along with a photo of the now 17 y/o daughter. Can you imagine Sarah why this Feast Day and this mystery of the Rosary is so amazing to me? I believe that this should be the 'adoption mystery.' May we meditate and pray for all pregnant women and for all orphans. May orphans find their way into the arms of a loving family.

  3. wow, great story, Mujer Latina! I will never forget it.


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