
Saturday, May 2, 2009

First Communions

Here is my niece, Kelly, and my husband's cousin, Chip, receiving the Eucharist for the first time from my huband's great uncle- Father Paul

This time of year, I am always honored to be able to create First Holy Communion gifts for so many communicants. It's such a special time in their lives, and I'm happy to be a part of it in a small way.  This year, one of my nieces, and one of my nephews celebrated their First Communions.  Of course, they both got a clay rosary among other gifts. I pray that the rosary will bring them, and all who have received the sacrament,  closer to Christ through his mother, Mary.  Here's my nephew, Brandon, opening his rosary on his First Holy Communion.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Your rosaries are so unique and beautiful! I will order one soon.

    My name is Maria and I have a special devotion to the Blessed Mother and the rosary. I met my husband on a Catholic single website. I prayed the rosary for years asking God and the Blessed Mother to please send me a good Catholic gentleman and they did! We were married on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on June 16th, 2007. I was almost forty one when I was married and my husband almost forty two.

    Could you please pray for us? We would like very much to have a child, but we discovered last year that I had endometriosis stage four. I've had two surgeries since then. I love to pray the 54 day rosary novena to the Blessed Mother asking for the miracle of a child. I realize though that I need more faith and patience in order to trust God and be able to accept His will. It's so difficult for me to accept that I might never be able to be a Mommy. But the rosary gives me such peace and comfort.

    You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers! I will return soon to order a rosary!

    May God Bless you.
    MT :)


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